Guide to Set Up E-Invoicing for Xero

This step-by-step guide will set up e-invoicing in Xero. Once completed, you will be part of the e-invoicing (PEPPOL) network in Singapore and your sales invoices will automatically flow into your customer’s accounting software without the need of data entry (if the company is also using a PEPPOL ready software).

Step 1

Visit the Invoici site ( and navigate to the integration page. Click Connect to Xero.

Step 2

Select your Xero organisation and click Allow Access.

Step 3

Invoici collects organisational information from your Xero organisation. Review this information and ensure that a unique company identifier is entered in the appropriate field. This should be your organisation’s UEN (Unique Entity Number).

Step 4

Once you are happy that the information is correct, tick the checkboxes and click Confirm Details. You will see confirmation that your Xero organisation is now connected to the Peppol e-invoicing network.

Sending Invoices on the Peppol Network

Step 1

When you are ready to send an invoice to your customer(s), select the email option and enter your contact’s e-invoicing email address. This is a unique address that contains your organisation’s UEN, eg. where 12345678D is the UEN. Tip:  Add your contact’s e-invoicing email address to the contact record in Xero. If an email already exists, select Add another person and enter the email as a secondary address and check the box Include in emails.

Step 2

All invoices sent via the e-invoicing network will show a confirmation message along with a unique transmission ID in the History & Notes section.

Receiving Invoices on the Peppol Network

If you receive a bill (an invoice from your supplier) via the e-invoicing network, the bill will be created in a draft status. Review the bill, assign an appropriate chart of account code (eg. Sales) and tax rate, and approve.