Success story of a work-life balance company

17 September, 2017

Work life balance in workplace is not only provide a healthy work environments, it also strengthen employee loyalty and productivity. Let’s take a look on one of the success story of the company after implementing work-life strategies.

“We had totally no clue about flexible work arrangements and what it involves in the beginning. But we were fortunate to learn from our consultant about how we could change some of our working arrangements so that staff can be happier at work. Prior to introducing the flexibility, the working hours were rigid and staff often had to apply leave in order to settle their personal errands. Now with the help of our consultant, we managed to embark on new working arrangements which involves flexi timing and telecommuting. Staff morale is now at a new-time high and we see lower absenteeism too. Most importantly, business operations have not been affected and staff’s productivity has improved as well. We will like to thank our consultant for his patient assistance and guidance throughout the journey with us, and for helping us to obtain government funding for such new arrangements too!”

Mariana Tan, Director of De Touche Wellness Pte Ltd

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17 September, 2017

Work life balance in workplace is not only provide a healthy work environments, it also strengthen employee loyalty and productivity. Let’s take a look on one of the success story of the company after implementing work-life strategies.

“We had totally no clue about flexible work arrangements and what it involves in the beginning. But we were fortunate to learn from our consultant about how we could change some of our working arrangements so that staff can be happier at work. Prior to introducing the flexibility, the working hours were rigid and staff often had to apply leave in order to settle their personal errands. Now with the help of our consultant, we managed to embark on new working arrangements which involves flexi timing and telecommuting. Staff morale is now at a new-time high and we see lower absenteeism too. Most importantly, business operations have not been affected and staff’s productivity has improved as well. We will like to thank our consultant for his patient assistance and guidance throughout the journey with us, and for helping us to obtain government funding for such new arrangements too!”

Mariana Tan, Director of De Touche Wellness Pte Ltd